AWS EC2: Launch a Micro Instance (Linux, 32 bit) on Command Line

In red: ezekieldas-security-one, ezekieldas-keypair-one are the security group and ssh keypair name respectively
In green: ami-8c1fece5 is the AMI ID for a 32-bit Linux
In blue: t1.micro is the EC2 type. It’s necessary to specify type or a m1.small will be launched by default
In fuschia: i-03d51662 is the instance ID
In grey: is the public ip address for this particular instance

# ec2-run-instances ami-8c1fece5 -t t1.micro -g ezekieldas-security-one -k ezekieldas-keypair-one

RESERVATION r-07468368 324757154994 ezekieldas-security-one
INSTANCE i-03d51662 ami-8c1fece5
pending ezekieldas-keypair-one 0 t1.micro
2011-07-18T01:11:47+0000 us-east-1c aki-407d9529
monitoring-disabled ebs paravirtual xen

# ec2-describe-instances i-03d51662

RESERVATION r-07468368 324757154994 ezekieldas-security-one
INSTANCE i-03d51662 ami-8c1fece5 ip-10-120-71-31.ec2.internal
running ezekieldas-keypair-one 0 t1.micro
2011-07-18T01:11:47+0000 us-east-1c aki-407d9529
monitoring-disabled ebs paravirtual xen
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/sda1 vol-43a39b28 2011-07-18T01:12:04.000Z